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Quick Links for Learning Websites - Aiming for the best!

"You can achieve, if you believe"

Here are some online resources we use with our students at John Bramston. These can also be accessed at home so our students can engage with their learning on their own terms.

Sumdog and Times Tables Rockstars deliver Maths based content in a fun and engaging way that children enjoy.

Fronter is the school's portal for remote learning and can be accessed by clicking the link below.

Busy Things and TopMarks are websites where children can engage on a range of topics and learn while they play.

Scratch and Code.org are two free online resources for developing the coding skills of our young learners.

Scratch A(1)
code.org logo

At John Bramston Primary, we believe in the concept of active learning: providing students with opportunities to be involved and engaged in their own learning. A key element of active learning is the concept of metacognition: developing the way a student approaches the task, becoming more aware of and taking control of their knowledge and understanding.

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