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Family Support Our strong ethos as a GOLD Mental Health and Wellbeing School is reflected in key staff roles and procedures.

We are Jenny Eves and Natasha Patel.

Our role is to support you and your child, to enable them to get the very best start by providing advice and information.  We are able to support and help you by providing direct and confidential support within the school context.  We can support you:

  • with your child's behaviour
  • by providing information about school meals
  • by giving opportunities to meet with other parents
  • find other services to help you and your family

If you wish to contact us, you can make an appointment through the school office, telephone us via the school office on 0208 500 4640, or email Jenny : jenny.eves@redbridge.gov.uk or Natasha : pastoral@johnbramston.redbridge.sch.uk

We have worked hard to support all of our Families to ensure the best mental health and well being.


A few supportive policies include:

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