Previous Events at the School
Wear Yellow Day
- In support of Mental Health Awareness - 6th February 2025
We had a great day recognising Mental Health Awareness Day. The children and staff were like a sea of yellow. See below a few examples of the outfits worn on the day.
Exciting New Quiet Area in Playgrounds
We are very proud to announce our exciting new Community area in both KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. A joint project between our School Ambassadors and the PTA.
A huge thanks to all the families who are supporting the school in our fundraising efforts for Soccer Aid 2024. One more week to go for fundraising. We hope to receive all sponsorship forms and collected monies back in by Friday, June 21st.
Earlier in the year, JB was contacted by the Soccer Aid team. They offered some of our students the opportunity to be involved in Soccer Aid 2024 promotion. We jumped at the chance to help them. Their team visited the school for a day, took photos and interviewed some of our pupils. The pupils were invited to ask questions of the celebrities signed up for Soccer Aid this year. One of these videos has been released on YouTube and we'd like to share this with you.
Please remember, you can donate in physical cash or digitally (by using the QR code or internet link below to access the online fundraising page).
John Bramston Just Giving Link
We are so proud of how our pupils have risen to this year's challenge, how some of our pupils have become the faces of the Soccer Aid 2024 campaign, and we look forward to our special Soccer Aid day at school when all children will get the chance to participate in our Obstacle Course Challenge.
Friday 10th November - Fairlop Heritage Group - Remembrance Service
Today we were very honoured to have the Fairlop Heritage Group visit us to conduct a Remembrance Service to our Year 6 students. We were also very lucky to have the Deputy Mayor, Saira Jamil join us for the event. Representing the Fairlop Heritage group was David Martin and his wife Barbara, and Jeff Harvey. David gave the presentation, with some very interesting facts about both World Wars and the part Fairlop played in them.
For more photos and information, please see the school blog.
Thursday 2nd November - Michael Ward visits the school.
Today we were very luck to have a visit from Michael Ward who is an actor/model and is a former pupil. He had a tour of the school with Mrs Dye, visiting the classrooms he had been in as a student. He also spoke to all of our pupils during a special assembly and told them our motto "You can achieve, if you believe..." was one of the important things that had stayed with him. He remembered staff members who had been here when he was, and one of our teachers was a student at same time. He visited our School Library Bus and was very impressed by our current theme of "Harry Potter" and the display our very talented staff had created. Finally, he met some of our students for a Q and A session. They asked some excellent questions and was very open and honest with his answers, providing them with some very good advice as well.
Friday 5th May - Coronation Celebrations
We celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III on Saturday 6th May with activities and events in school on Friday 5th May.
Learning focus activities include exploring different Commonwealth Countries and individual activities that explore King Charles’ love of favourite recipes and flowers—with children colouring and planting to celebrate. Not least– children dressing up in Red, White and Blue with their home made “Crazy Day Hat” to wear too! Lots of fun and learning !!!
For more pictures of all the fun, please see the school blog!
Friday 3rd March - World Book Day
What a wonderful display of character outfits our pupils and staff wore for World Book Day! Even Mrs Dye and Fudge joined in the fun. Below is just a small selection, for many more, please see our blog.
Thursday 23rd February - Author Visit - Banji Alexander
We were very lucky to have a visit from Banji Alexander - an exciting new author, bursting onto the scene with his debut book, 'Lockdown Looms: Reggie's Birthday Party'. He signed copies of his book for us.
John Bramston Primary School - Re-accreditation December 2022 - GOLD MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING AWARD
Please click here to see Report.
Wednesday 14th December - Christmas Jumper Day
Friday 18th November - Children in Need - Pyjama day
Today, we took part in Children in Need by having a Pyjama Day. It was a lovely day and we raised lots of money for a very good cause.
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Year 6 walked across to Fairlop Waters to pay their respects during the Fairlop Heritage Group Remembrance Service. In attendance was: the mayor of Redbridge - Cllr Thavathuray Jeyaranjan, Wes Streeting - MP for Ilford North, the Bermudian ambassador, and Leader of Redbridge Council - Cllr Jas Athwal.
Children from 6A recited a Remembrance poem based on the poppy and read this aloud during the service.
Monday 10th October 2022 - World Mental Health Day
To recognise World Mental Health Day, we wore something yellow to school.
Even member of the senior staff got involved!
Monday 6th June 2022 - Culture and Identity Day
We came to school in the dress of our culture, it was lovely to see all the different types of national costume.
Wednesday 25th May 2022 - Platinum Jubilee
We had a wonderful time celebrating the Platinum Jubilee. Every class made a trifle for a competition, and then got to eat it! There was music and lots of fun.
Some of the wonderful trifles we made.
Monday 16th February 2022 - Soccer Aid/UNICEF Event
We were very lucky as a School to be involved in the Soccer Aid/UNICEF 2022 Event. We had two very special visitors to the school, Sir Mo Farah and Liam Payne, as well as representatives from UNICEF.
Sir Mo Farah and Liam Payne join us for assembly.
They did some training with some very lucky children.
Sir Mo Farah even paid a very special visit to the class that is named after him!
And a chance for a photo call.
Friday 11th February 2022 - Dress to Express
A few examples below of our pupils in their wonderful outfits. Everyone made an amazing effort, too many to choose.
Friday 21st January 2022 - Wes Streeting and The Fairlop Heritage Group Visit.
An amazing visit last Thursday took place with our close link ‘The Fairlop Heritage Group’ and our local MP Mr Wes Streeting—now Shadow Health Secretary! The group shared images and factual recollections from Hainault and the Fairlop Airfield for our Year 6 pupils, linked to curriculum learning on World War 2. It was a real privilege to hear their stories. Wes Streeting is a great advocate for schools and is always able to share current thinking and links with our pupils. We all appreciated his time and pupils had created a card to mark his birthday on the visit. (Please look at the Blog for more photos and details). Year 6 were a credit to the school with excellent questions and engagement!
It was even mentioned in the local Recorder newspaper.