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Parent Information - We aim to work together for the best outcomes for our children, Please scroll down.

John Bramston recognises the key role parents play and the in-depth knowledge they have of their child. We aim to work together 

National School Breakfast Programme

   The National School Breakfast Programme has launched its breakfast at home area on the Family Action website, where you will find lots          of information and advice on providing a low cost, nutritious, daily breakfast at home


Interesting facts for Parents/Carers

1 in 5 parents with primary aged children find breakfast the trickiest time of day

60% of parents struggle to find time to eat breakfast as a family

Parents are unsure what makes up a healthy breakfast

Children who eat breakfast generally have a higher intake & store of vitamins & minerals

Redbridge EPS Parent Support Line Update


Attendance and Punctuality - Remember : Absence = Lost Opportunity

At John Bramston we ask all parents to sign our contract to ensure the best attendance and learning opportunities for your child. Please scroll down for more helpful documentation in other subjects.

Attendance Contract

The Forest Academy

The Forest Academy - Find out more about your local Secondary School







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